"All your sons shall be taught by the Lord and great shall be the peace of your children."
- Isaiah 54:13
The mission of Religious Education at St. Francis of Assisi Parish is to offer the opportunity for both parents and children to grow in their Catholic faith, to experience the presence of God in their lives, and to learn who Jesus is by the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We sccomplish this through prayer services, classroom and online education, Bible studies, workshops, retreats, and through the sacramental preparation of First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion, Confirmation, and RCIA. In addition, we encourage living an active expression of faith by giving witness to Jesus through both the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy.
Education, like faith, requires a commitment of time and love. Parents are the first educators in all things, especially when it comes to the matter of faith. Faith taught in class and church and nurtured at home is he best kind of education that takes root in the sould of the child while allowing him to have a lasting relationship with Jesus.
We look forward to working with you and your family in your faith journey.
In His Love,
Gina Fleming
Director of Religious Education
Monday - Thursday 10:30AM - 5:30PM